Friday, September 19, 2008

Read-in Week

Here are some interesting sessions for Read-In Week. I hope you can attend one of these:

October 7 (Tuesday): 9:30 ­10:15 am; or 10:30-11:15 am Author and storyteller Joan Marie Galat¹s fascination with astronomy led toher curiosity about the stories associated with the planets, constellationsand Moon. She wanted to teach her children about astronomy and mythology,but could not find the right book for the task. As a result, she created the'Dot to Dot in the Sky' astronomy series. She also writes info-fictionfantasy, combining storytelling with curriculum related science. Please seeher biography in the YABS database:<>
October 8 (Wednesday): 9:30 -10:15 am; or 10:30-11:15 amJessica Meserve is the author and illustrator of the picture books 'Small'and 'Can Anybody Hear Me?' . She illustrated the picture book 'The NewBaby', the children's books 'Drawing Together', 'Grandad and John', and the'Daisy Dawson' series. She has also illustrated a wide range of covers andvignettes for young and teenage fiction. Please see her biography in theYABS database. Audience: Everyone is welcome to attend especially children from the ChildStudy Centre and Garneau School plus Faculty of Education and School ofLibrary and Information Studies students. If you are planning to attend , we ask that you to please contact us ahead of time.

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